I awoke this morning to an awful noise that sounded like someone drilling in metal. Some time later, there was a knock on my door. It was the maintanence guys with a new convector unit for my bedroom. "Ten minutes, please," I said, having just leapt from bed. I managed to get dressed, throw various items out of the way so they could get to where they needed to be, and pack my lunch in less than two minutes. My, but I'm a well trained procrastinator. Anyway, I left for work and left them to theirs.
When I got back this evening, both thermostats were turned all the way down and my lava light was on. But to turn on my lava light, they had to first unplug my HEPA filter so they could plug in the light. Oooookay. Why for? It was bright and sunny when they came. They shouldn't have needed extra light, not that the lava light would have provided much practical lighting. Did they think I would enjoy coming home to a blue-hued ice-box? Why didn't they pop my Enya CD into my CD player and put it on "repeat all" to complete the "chill out" atmosphere? Come on, people, work with me here!