Sunday, July 17, 2005


Just so you know, I'm not just obsessed with the weather when it's sitting out in the Caribbean where it can't touch me. The weather around here lately has been hot, humid, and turbulent. Most of last week, I saw plenty of red on the radar, though nothing much fell where I live and work. Friday, there was flooding near the YMCA where I work out, so I skipped my workout. Yesterday, the storms missed me for much of the day until about 9pm. I could hear thunder all around and kept checking the radar to see where the rain was (though lightning doesn't have to be associated with rain, so I probably should have turned my computer off earlier, but oh well). Finally, I saw a rather large cell headed my way and decided to shut down my computer for the night. At first, I watched the lightning storm during commercial breaks for something I was watching on TV. When a power blip turned my TV off right at a key point in the show (dang it!), I switched to watching the storm.

It took me a while to realize that the blip had also taken out the lights in the parking lot outside. I guess I'm still not use to the city. My lights were still on, but outside was dark. It made the lightning that much more impressive. Even though there's a building in the way of most of my view, I still saw quite a few lightning bolts. For about 15 minutes, the rolling thunder was constant, with cracks from closer hits once every few seconds. It was so loud, you couldn't hear the pouring rain, even with the window open. I was standing against the glass door out onto my patio and I could feel it shaking. And not "tapping on the glass" shaking, but "pounding on the glass" shaking. I swear stuff inside my apartment even shook a few times.

The weirdest thing that happened was that, at the peak of the lightning storm, I swear I saw a green flash over the park next to my apartment. Green lightning? The heck? What's John Stewart doing out in this weather? Or maybe it's those freakin' aliens again. Stop stalking me!

Mmmmm. Summer rain. It's almost worth the humidity.


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