Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mmmmm. Ribs.

I got up early (for me) this morning to prep some baby-back ribs for the crockpot. I cut them up, broiled them on one side for 12 minutes, burned a new scar into my thumb (right above another one that I have no idea what it's from, and on the same hand attached to the wrist I burned with a cookie sheet about ten years ago. Perhaps I should just leave my left hand out of the cooking process all together), broiled them on the other side for 12 more minutes, then placed them into the crockpot with a full bottle of honey bbq sauce. All that, and I got to work 15 minutes earlier than usual.

So I got home from the gym this evening, walked right up to the crockpot, pulled out a couple of ribs, and started eating. No prep. Just straight to eating. Was it worth the sleep deprivation and inch-long burn scar? Did I mention "Mmmmm. Ribs"?


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