Sunday, July 24, 2005

Parts: The Clonus Horror (aka The Island) Review

I saw The Island yesterday. The theatre was incredibly empty, and judging by estimated box office returns, the theatre I went to was not alone in this respect. When I first saw the trailer for the movie, I thought "Wait. I've seen this movie. On MST3K. It was called Parts: The Clonus Horror. Why are they remaking this movie exactly?" The good news is, The Island is considerably better than the movie its trailer reminded me of. The beginning feels a bit like The Prisoner, then morphs into Logan's Run. Then there's a massive explosion/chase scene that splits the movie in half, and the second half isn't nearly as interesting as the first. Once the truth is revealed, we get hit over the head with many anvils, each one heavier than the last.

The plausibility of the premise also starts to fall apart as certain technical "facts" and details are revealed over time. Another reason the second half is not as intriguing or as good as the first.

I give it three stars. It's not a must see, but if you've seen everything else, give it a shot. If I feel like being particularly critical, I may do a spoiler tagged review later. Right now, though, I have other things to do (imagine that!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's not a must see, but if you've seen everything else, give it a shot." That and the show times of other movies was pretty much the reason you and I saw it! I admit I had no intention of seeing it before, but it was not a waste of time or money. Too graphic in parts, but great special effects (a little too great, their opening weekend returns suggest they may not make money on their $120 million investment).

7/24/2005 8:31 PM  

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