Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pyxis - epsilon

I spent yesterday gutting my closets, which were in dire need of reorganization. Never mind that I can’t remember the last time I mopped the kitchen floor or cleaned the bathroom. The closets must be organized! I was hoping that by organizing my closets, all of the stuff that had been piling up in other parts of my apartment might find a more permanent home.

Of course, when you do this kind of thorough cleaning, you run into things you haven’t seen in a long time. I had forgotten how many stuffed critters I have, though they now have a new home in a pop-up hamper (as opposed to being scattered over the floor of my bedroom closet). I have a stack of Discover magazines and IEEE Spectrums that I really should read so I can stuff them in Amazon boxes that I’ve reserved for them. I have now organized all of my board and card games so that they fit in just two cubes of the storage cubes I have in my closet. I’ve moved all of my exercise equipment out of the closet and into the main room where it will be harder to ignore. My Legos are sitting near the door to my patio, tempting me to play with them (as well as buy more). I think I’ll put them away last.

Then there’s the part of the excavation where I go through the loads and LOADS of papers I have stuffed in every corner of my apartment. I tend to make notes on papers of all shapes and sizes. The notes on a single sheet may not be related. The notes may be entire paragraphs or just a number or a phrase. I’ve found notes for what eventually became blog posts. I’ve found notes for what were going to be blog posts, but I never got around to typing them up or organizing the ideas enough to post. But the hardest notes to figure out are usually on small pieces of paper on my computer desk. I find phone numbers with no names beside them. First names without last names. Partial addresses. Random numbers with no obvious meaning. And, strangest of all, the note "Pyxis – epsilon". As far as I can tell, that’s a binary star in the constellation Pyxis. I have absolutely no idea why I was making notes on it. Maybe Kitalia was trying to get her bearings. The workings of my mind are a mystery even to me.


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