Thursday, July 07, 2005

Spending Too Much Time Together Drives Us Apart

Continuing with the Monty Python theme of late: I'm reading Interpersonal Divide (had to go to Amazon, couldn't find it in stores). The book already has a "things were so much better before technology tore communities apart" feel to it, an interesting contrast to the other book I'm reading, Everything Bad is Good for You. But after watching the "burn the witch" scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I'm thinking that finding sources of entertainment that don't necessarily involve real human beings is not all bad. By having the option of escaping the constant company of the people around us, we're more likely to escape than "deal" with people we dislike in potentially bad ways. (She's weird. I bet she's a witch! Burn the witch! This'll be the most exciting thing to happen in this village in 400 years!) Yes, it would be nice if we could just all be civil to each other all the time, but let's face it. We're human. We need an outlet for our aggressive side. So shoot those space invaders! And not your neighbors.


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