Monday, June 06, 2005

It's all in how you say it

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that patients who have been prescribed marijuana are subject to federal prosecution even if they live in a state with a law that says they can take the marijuana for medical purposes. This case demonstrates how it is very difficult to communicate anything, even a fact, without revealing some form of bias. Here are some headlines about the case:

1. Supreme Court Okays Medical Pot Prosecutions
2. Justices Deal Defeat to Medical Marijuana
3. Federal Laws Trump State Pot Laws, Supreme Court Rules
4. Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People
5. "No" on medical mirjuana use

And here are their sources, in scrambled order:
a. ABC News
b. CNN
c. FoxNews
d. Christian Science Monitor

Can you guess which had which? Granted, if you clicked on a link, you often got headlines that were worded slightly differently. And, because this is the internet, linked headlines change every ten seconds. But I tried to pick the headlines that were meant to pull in the reader by being given top billing. Answers below.

1. c
2. e
3. b
4. a
5. d


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