Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hearing Assisted Cats

I was looking over the benefits package for my new job today. The flexible spending account (a new benefit that is cropping up a lot of places that’s useful for those of us who have relatively predictable medical expenses) listed some of the things that you are allowed to be reimbursed for. While I am familiar with the concept of a seeing-eye dog, I have never heard of a hearing assisted cat. I did a google search, but only found sites either about therapeutic cats (usually to keep older people company) or cats that are hearing impaired themselves (like my Siamese almost certainly is). So I have to wonder what a hearing cat would do exactly. I’m imagining the cat constantly sitting in a person’s lap or rubbing against their legs as they walk. Every time the cat hears a loud noise, it scampers away, thus leaving it’s human to ponder what has startled the poor thing. Either that, or the cat would have to become unusually attached to the human, running to it for protection every time it heard a sound.

Now, I must say, cats do make excellent alarm clocks. They will be fed the same time everyday. And unlike a programmable alarm clock, they will figure out what wakes you up. Meowing doesn’t work? How about knocking things off of furniture? No? Maybe a little eye massage. Or maybe the looming presence standing by your pillow will be enough to pull you from your slumber. (Trust me, that is a freaky way to wake up). So if getting up in the morning is the only thing standing between you and living a full life, a cat will serve you well. And it may be covered under flexible spending accounts.

You know, I’ve been having trouble hearing lately…


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