Friday, September 23, 2005

Make Me a Levee from the Sky! I Command It!

A concilman from St. Bernard's Parish is accusing the Army Corp of Engineers of not rebuilding the levees properly. Do you have any idea how much time and money it takes to properly design and build a levee, much less fix an existing one? The Army Corp of Engineers patched the levee to keep the water back. It's a temporary patch. Which means it's also weaker than a permanent repair. Would you prefer that they had not patched the levees at all until they could put in a permanent structure? Left New Orleans under water for a couple of months while they gathered supplies and equipment and did some number crunching? Mr. Councilman, when was the last time you were able to build a bridge or a dam or a levee or road of any quality (much less "withstand a hurricane" quality) in two weeks? Under less than ideal conditions? I didn't think so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I'll do that."
"No really, I do command it."
Ha! You probably put that Aquateens reference in there just to get me to post a comment, didn't ya? (Who says I'm a "Joe Normal" anyway?!)

9/23/2005 10:20 PM  

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